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Resources to help with homework

Factmonster has a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, almanac, and atlases all in one place.

Heritage Quest allows students ro research family histories, search through census records, and other historical records​

username: wellnap

password: Tigers

Easily cite sources in any format with Citation Machine.


WebMath from Discovery Education has math helpers for everything from addition to trig & calculus.

Flashcard Maker allows students to create flashcards for every subject and practice them  online.

Writing a paper and need some direction?

A+ Papers covers everything from personal narratives to newspaper articles.

Khan Academy has video help to learn any subject.  It is a free resource all you need to do is create a user login.

FreeMathHelp has lessons, calculators, and games to help with math. 

Use this site to find journal articles, books and other reputable sources.  These are reliable sources even the pickiest of teachers will approve. 

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